Saturday, July 21, 2007

umcg island

posted by Namro Orman on UMCG using a blogHUD : [permalink]

What is following me?????

posted by Namro Orman on Healthinfo Island using a blogHUD : [permalink]

It's the Angel of Hope!!!!

Thanks Synergy for delivering this to HealthInfo Island!
posted by Namro Orman on Healthinfo Island using a blogHUD : [permalink]

Thursday, July 19, 2007

iVINNIE Accessibility Center Meeting II

iVINNIE Accessibility Center Meeting II
posted by Namro Orman on Healthinfo Island using a blogHUD : [permalink]

iVinnie Accessibility Center Meeting

Present KAtt Kongo, Lorelei Junot, The Sojourner, Maxito Ricardo and Namro Orman
posted by Namro Orman on Healthinfo Island using a blogHUD : [permalink]

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Wheelies Second Disability

Wheelies Second Disability. The Disability Sim
posted by Namro Orman on Second Ability using a blogHUD : [permalink]

NAtional Multiple Sclerosis Society

NAtional Multiple Sclerosis Society
posted by Namro Orman on Illusion Factory West using a blogHUD : [permalink]

NAtional Multiple Sclerosis Society II

NAtional Multiple Sclerosis Society, including MS Support Group, MS Help
posted by Namro Orman on Illusion Factory West using a blogHUD : [permalink]

Sunday, July 08, 2007

CEC Health Classes via MD Kiosk?

So you pay first, then teleport to one of the Health Classes available.... More videos at
posted by Namro Orman on MD Kiosk using a blogHUD : [permalink]

And this is Surgery

At Meyers Medical Center.
posted by Namro Orman on Hospital using a blogHUD : [permalink]

MD KIosk, what's that?

Paying money for taking a medical quiz and watching a video?
posted by Namro Orman on MD Kiosk using a blogHUD : [permalink]

HAve a lie down in Meyers Center

And listen to a nice conversation with a girl in agonising pain being examined and treated by medical staff ....
posted by Namro Orman on Hospital using a blogHUD : [permalink]

Examination room Myers Medical Center

Having a tour with CC Carnell
posted by Namro Orman on Hospital using a blogHUD : [permalink]

Prostate Exam Patient sim.....

I will try that one later ....
posted by Namro Orman on Hospital using a blogHUD : [permalink]

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Visionary Ames in SIS/NLM building

Visionary Ames in SIS/NLM building talking to Namro Orman about recent developments
posted by Namro Orman on Healthinfo Island using a blogHUD : [permalink]


Always a special appearance this Fleet guy! He is one of the Estate managers of Edu Islands and I met him on the parcels in use for healthInfo Island
posted by Namro Orman on Eduisland 4 using a blogHUD : [permalink]

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Lorelei Junot : the right woman for the job

Please, if you meet Lorelei Junot in-world say HI! to here and thank her for doing a great job at the second Lide LIbrary project,
posted by Namro Orman on Eduisland 4 using a blogHUD : [permalink]

Health or Medical related organisations can have space at E...

As from today, we have some parcels available for rent at EDuISland 4! Health or Medical related organisations can have space at EDU4, contact NAmro Orman or Carolina Keats.
posted by Namro Orman on Eduisland 4 using a blogHUD : [permalink]

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Sl Diabetic Children Group member visits HealthINfo Island

Here's the special avatar of Muliaina Mills, members of some special Groups like the Diabetes Type 1 Community, Health
posted by Namro Orman on Healthinfo Island using a blogHUD : [permalink]

Monday, July 02, 2007

Toxie Cortes at new location HealthInfo Island

At the background the new neighbours of University Pittsburgh Medical Center
posted by Namro Orman on Healthinfo Island using a blogHUD : [permalink]